MediaWiki copene:ExtractFirst.xsl

Le contenu de la page n’est pas pris en charge dans d’autres langues.
Radjouter on sudjet
Èn årtike di Wiccionaire.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:output method='html'/>
<xsl:variable name="dir">ltr</xsl:variable>
<xsl:variable name="more">» More</xsl:variable>
<xsl:variable name="error">Error: </xsl:variable>
<xsl:variable name="copyright"> © <a href="">Wiktionary</a>. Released under <a href="" rel="license copyright">CC-BY-SA 3.0</a></xsl:variable>
<xsl:variable name="contentLang" select="'en'"/> 
<xsl:variable name="pageName" select="concat('http://', $contentLang, '')"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<html dir="{$dir}" lang="{$contentLang}" xml:lang="{$contentLang}">
<meta name="generator" content="Wiktionary Extract XSLT 1.08-EN"/>
<base target='_blank' href="{$pageName}" />

<title> Wiktionary extract</title>

#wordThisIsFor { font-weight:bold;}
a.wtif1  { color: black; text-decoration: none;}
a.wtif1:hover {text-decoration: underline;}
.disambig-see-also, .disambig-see-also-2 {display:inline;}
#container {background-color:white; padding: 0.5em; border: solid black thin;} {color: red;}
#error {color: red;font-size:larger;}
<script type='text/javascript'>
function setup () {
//Stuff to translate:
var preferLang = {'en': 'English', 'fr': 'French', 'de': 'German', 'qqqAny': null}; //for now.

var extractSeeAlso = /

[\s\S]*?<\/div>/; //no subexpressions!
var see_also_process = function (sa) {return sa;}
var createLink = '» Create'; // text only.
var not_found = "Could not retrieve definition of $1.";
//END stuff to translate (there is one more translation block below)
//Stuff not to translate in general (setup).
var rd =\&rd\=([^&]*)/); //is this from redirect. + converts to numeric.
rd = rd ? (+rd[1] + 1) : 1; //redirection level.
var showWord = 0; //default to not showing. 0 = none, 1 = bold, 2 = bold link.
var showWordRaw =\&showWord\=([^&]*)/);
showWordRaw = showWordRaw ? showWordRaw[1] : 'none';
if (showWordRaw !== "none") {
if (showWordRaw === "link") {
var numbDfn =\&count\=([^&]*)/); //count. + converts to numeric.
numbDfn = numbDfn ? (+numbDfn[1]) : 1; //default to 1
var pageURL = '/w/index.php?title='\&page\=([^&]*)/)[1];
var src = document.getElementById('src');
var display = document.getElementById('word-list');
var loc =\&page\=([^&]*)/)[1];
var escWord = decodeURIComponent(loc).replace(/&/, '&').replace(/>/, '<').replace(/</, '>');
//note: wordEsc does not escape quotes. DO NOT PUT AS ATTRIBUTE VALUE
var preferLangCode =\&lang\=([^&]*)/);
if (preferLangCode) { preferLangCode = preferLangCode[1]; }
else {preferLangCode = 'qqqAny';}
var html =;
var def = html //may be redefined later.
 //stuff you might need to translate, but hopefully won't
var subSectRegex = new RegExp('

[^<]*?<span[^<]*?<a[^<]*?<\/a[^<]*?</span[^<]*?]*>[\\s\\S]*$'); var extractCurLangName = /]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/span>/; //first subexpression //End stuff you hopefully won't need to translate. try { //this assumes attribute order doesn't change!!! html = html.replace(/
[\s\S]*?<\/div>/, );
 if (preferLangCode && preferLang[preferLangCode]) {
  try {
   //strip off all definitions before tagret lang.
   var subSect = html.match(subSectRegex)[0];
if (subSect.match(/
  1. /)) { //if it has content def = subSect; } } catch (e) { /*alert(e)*/} } var lang = def.match(extractCurLangName)[1]; var intro = "(" + lang + ") "; if (showWord) intro = '<a href="' + pageURL + '" id="wordThisIsFor" class="wtif' + showWord + '" >' + escWord + "</a> " + intro ; var definitions_matched; //FIXME: in both cases the extraction method does not properly strip nested divs. This results in image thumbnails being left behind if (numbDfn === 1) { definitions_matched = def.match(/
      [\s\S]*?<\/dl>/g, ).replace(/<div[^>]*>[\s\S]*?<\/div>/g, ).replace(/<\/div>/g, ).replace(/
        [\s\S]*?<\/ul>/g, ).replace(/<a href="(#[^"]*)">/g, '<a href="' + pageURL + '$1">').match(/
      • ([\s\S]*?)<\/li>/); display.innerHTML = intro + definitions_matched[1]; } else { //this use not well supported... definitions_matched = def.match(/
          [\s\S]*?<\/dl>/g, ).replace(/<div[^>]*>[\s\S]*?<\/div>/g, ).replace(/<\/div>/g, ).replace(/
            [\s\S]*?<\/ul>/g, ).replace(/<a href="(#[^"]*)">/g, '<a href="' + pageURL + '$1">').match(/
          • ([\s\S]*?)<\/li>/g); var tmp = intro + '
              '; for (var i = 0; i < numbDfn && i < definitions_matched.length; i++) { tmp += definitions_matched[i]; } display.innerHTML = tmp + '
            catch (e) {
             //page does not exist, not well formed, these regexs suck, etc
             display.appendChild(document.createTextNode(not_found.replace("$1", decodeURIComponent(loc))));
             document.getElementById('more-link') = createLink;
             if (rd < 9) { //arbitrary to prevent infinite loops
              //make sure don't have loops.
              var newLoc; //this should not be urlEncoded.
              var remAlt = false;
              var dLoc = decodeURIComponent(loc);
              newLoc = dLoc.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + dLoc.substring(1, loc.length);
              //try some other redirections.
              if (newLoc === dLoc) newLoc = dLoc.toLowerCase();
              if (newLoc === dLoc &&\&alt\=([^&]*)/)) {
               newLoc = decodeURIComponent(\&alt\=([^&]*)/)[1]);
               remAlt = true;
              if (newLoc !== dLoc) { //redir
               var newURL = location.href.replace(/(^[\s\S]*?\&page\=)[^&]*([\s\S]*$)/, '$1'+ encodeURIComponent(newLoc) + '$2');
               newURL = newURL.replace(/&rd\=[^&]*/, ); //strip old redirect header.
               if (remAlt) {
                location.href.replace(/&alt\=[^&]*/, );
               location = newURL + '&rd=' + rd;
            var sa = html.match(extractSeeAlso);
            if(sa) {
             document.getElementById('see-also').innerHTML = ' (' + see_also_process(sa) + ')' ;
            document.getElementById('more-link').href= pageURL;




            <body onload='setup()'>
            <xsl:apply-templates select='api/error'/>
            <a id='more-link'><xsl:value-of select="$more"/></a> <xsl:copy-of select="$copyright"/>
            <xsl:template match='api/error'>
            <xsl:value-of select="$error"/> <xsl:value-of select='@info'/>