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Èn årtike di Wiccionaire.
Szymon Grabarczuk

Lead Movement Communications Specialist (Product & Tech)
Wikimedia Foundation

Timezone: UTC+1/+2
Discord: sgrabarczuk
Telegram: sgrabarczuk
Languages: pl-N, en-4, fr-2, la-2, ar-0, de-0, es-0, hi-0, ja-0, ru-0, zh-0

Mon travail
I care for connections between the communities and the Wikimedia Foundation Product and Technology teams. In particular, I invite questions and comments about Temporary Accounts, Content Discovery, and the Vector 2022 skin.

Do you need any help related to the projects mentioned above? Would you like to get involved? Talk to me. In your or any other language. Don't worry if you don't speak English or you're not comfortable using it.

Read more about how Movement Communications work.

À propos de moi

I was born and spent many years in Lublin, Poland. Next, I moved to Warsaw, and here I settled. My given name is Greek or Hebrew, my family name is of West Ukrainian origin, but I'm a Pole.

In 2010, I joined the Polish Wikipedia community as Tar Lócesilion. Since then, I have made thousands of edits. I became an admin of Polish Wikipedia, and years later, the Vice-Chair & Secretary of Wikimedia Polska. I was part of the Wikimania 2024 Core Organizing Team.

I like food and coffee, walking, hiking, and nature; I like visiting museums at a slow pace; I like well-designed cities and clothing, sustainable transport, languages, books, and my wife. I don't like long winter nights or dirty floor.
Je travaille pour la Fondation Wikimédia ou je lui fournis des services. C'est le compte que j'utilise pour les modifications ou les déclarations que je fais dans ce cadre. Cependant, la Fondation ne vérifie pas toutes mes activités et les modifications, déclarations ou autres contributions faites avec ce compte peuvent ne pas refléter les opinions de la Fondation.