[candjî]nevertheless (nén candjåve)
- (a l' atake del fråze) mins nerén, mins nén pus, mins non pus, portant, mågré tot, mågré ça.
- Nevertheless, with such a small market share their ability to compete is limited. .
- Mins nerén, avou ene si ptite pårt di martchî, i n' sårént waire concurincer ls ôtes.
- Nevertheless, with such a small market share their ability to compete is limited. .
- (å mitan del fråze) cwand minme, tolminme, co.
- Tight control of expenditure nevertheless requires further action.
- Ene mwaistrijhe serêye des costindjes dimande cwand minme k' on våye pus lon; s' on vout vormint mwaistri les costindjes, fåt co aler pus lon.
- Tight control of expenditure nevertheless requires further action.