Dins cisse categoreye, gn a 8 dizo-categoreyes, inte di zeles les 8 cial pa-dzo.
Årtikes el categoreye «Inglès»
Dins cisse categoreye cial, gn a 857 pådjes, inte di zeles les 200 cial padzo.
(page précédente) (page suivante)-
- bachelor
- backside
- bacon
- bag
- baker
- ball
- band
- bank
- barely
- barley
- barn
- barrier
- basket
- beak
- bean
- beard
- bed
- beech
- beef
- beefsteak
- beekeeper
- beer
- beginning
- behaviour
- bellow
- Berlin
- bike
- biker
- bilberry
- bird
- birth
- bite
- black ice
- blackbird
- bleak
- block
- blow
- boat
- bone
- bonito
- book
- bottle
- bow
- bowl
- box
- boy
- braces
- braid
- bramble
- branch
- bread
- breast
- breathe
- briber
- bride
- broadaxe
- brook
- broom
- brush
- bucket
- buckle
- bulk
- bull
- bump
- bundle
- burden
- burn
- bus
- but
- butter
- buttercup
- cabbage
- cake
- calve
- camera
- camomile
- cap
- car
- card
- carrot
- cart
- cartridge
- cat
- caterpillar
- catkin
- cattle
- caught between the devil and the deep blue sea
- cave
- ceiling
- cellar
- chair
- chalk
- check
- cheese
- chemny
- cherry
- chestnut
- chick
- child
- chill
- chin
- church
- circle
- clatter
- cleft
- cliff
- cloak
- clod
- closed
- clot
- cloud
- cock
- coffee
- coffin
- cognate
- coin
- colour
- colter
- comb
- commodity
- computer
- consonant
- cool off
- copper
- cord
- core
- corner
- cough
- cover
- cow
- crest
- crime
- crop-in
- crow
- crowbar
- crowdfunding
- crushed
- curly
- cut